Before Dental Implants existed, what were our options when we were missing teeth?
1. A Bridge
Multiple crowns that are attached to one another to fill up the empty space and permanently attached to the adjacent teeth.
Because the crowns are attached to one another, it can be difficult to keep the area clean.
However, this is still a great option.
2. A Full/Partial Denture Plate
These are removable plates that hide the missing teeth spaces with fake teeth.
You wear them during the day and take them off at night.
They must be cleaned daily.
Glue may be needed to keep denture in place.
Takes some time to learn how to eat and speak with them.
This is typically a more unfavorable option due to the lack of function and discomfort it may cause.
Still an option today and can be a great one, patient and situation dependent.
Dentures are now more favorable when implants are also used simultaneously to keep the denture in place.
We now have the option of Dental Implant.
1. First, what is a dental implant?
- A titanium screw that is placed in the bone where the tooth is missing and a fake tooth is permanently attached on top of the screw.
Implants have provided patients an ideal alternative option that is almost equivalent to having a brand new tooth again.
Brushing and Flossing around the implant is just as easy as flossing around your other teeth.
No more needing to drill on additional teeth to fill the missing space, like a bridge.
No more needing to fill the space with a non steady denture that keeps popping up when eating food or speaking to a friend.
No more needing to feel toothless at night as your gums rest from your dentures.
There are so many options with Implants.
Below are some great articles to read more on implants. Please contact us and make an appointment if you have any questions I can help answer for you or if you'd like to discuss what option is right for you.
Dr. Ami Shah